Sunshine Amidst A Rainy Morning

Some people get caught in a light drizzle and curse their lack of an umbrella.

Others skip in the rain and dance playfully in the puddles.

And then there are those special individuals who, even in the darkest of storms, create rainbows for others wherever they go. My friend Nick is just such a rare human sunbeam. Let me share one shining example.

On a rainy winter morning, Nick ventured down his driveway to retrieve the newspaper and spotted a quite elderly gentleman doing likewise a handful of houses away. The neighbor, however, was using a reach-grabber tool so he wouldn’t have to – or, perhaps, couldn’t – bend down to pick it up.

Furthermore, the man was accompanied by his wife who was holding him seemingly so he wouldn’t fall. In truth, the wife appeared to equally need her husband’s support to keep from toppling.

Indeed, the couple’s driveway was literally a wet and slippery slope waiting for an accident – perhaps a broken hip or arm – to happen.

“I was worried one or both of them would fall and get hurt, maybe seriously,” Nick thought with serious concern. His next impulse was to help this couple he had never met, but quickly a third consideration embraced him: “I didn’t want to bruise their dignity if I walked down the street to help them.”

Nick slept on the matter and the following morning rose a little earlier than usual. Again it was raining, so he walked down the street and stealthily deposited the three newspapers the elderly couple subscribe to on their welcome mat along with an anonymous note that read: “Your paperboy wanted to make your morning a little easier and brighter.”

Thus began a new morning ritual for Nick that brings to my mind Sparky Anderson, the late Hall of Fame baseball manager, who coincidentally lived not far from Nick’s Thousand Oaks neighborhood. Each week on trash day, during his afternoon walk, Sparky would move his neighbors’ barrels from the curb up their driveways. Asked what motivated him to do so, he replied simply: “Woody, it don’t cost nothing at all to be nice.”

Curious about the identity of their nice Samaritan “paperboy,” the elderly couple asked around and eventually phoned Nick to thank him and a new friendship was born.

In sunshine as well as rain, day after week after month, Nick continued his new one-home paper route. And then the mishap he had feared for the elderly couple happened to him – not a fall and injury, but rather COVID-19.

Before going to the hospital with a dangerously low oxygen level, Nick had the presence of mind and heart to find a substitute paperboy. For the two weeks Nick was a patient, and a good while longer while he recuperated at home, a 13-year-old neighborhood boy dutifully delivered the early morning kindness.

When Nick was finally fit to resume his paper route an unexpected problem reared its head – its teenage head.

“He wouldn’t give it back,” Nick says with a laugh. “He told me it started his day with a sense of purpose and responsibility and a good feeling in his heart.”

And so it was that the teen boy continued the daily Sparky-like act of niceness until the couple recently moved away to be closer to their grandchildren.

Here’s hoping that another human sunbeam in the couple’s new neighborhood sees them with a reach-grabber tool and is inspired to escort their newspapers up to their welcome mat. As Ernest Hemingway wrote in the “The Sun Also Rises”, “Isn’t it pretty to think so?”

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Essay copyrights Woody Woodburn

Woody writes a weekly column for The Ventura County Star and can be contacted at Follow him on Twitter and Instagram at @woodywoodburn. His SIGNED books are available at

Personalized Signed copies of WOODEN & ME: Life Lessons from My Two-Decade Friendship with the Legendary Coach and Humanitarian to Help “Make Each Day Your Masterpiece” and  “Strawberries in Wintertime: Essays on Life, Love, and Laughter” are available at


Part 1: A Boy’s Letter to Mister Rogers

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Woody Woodburn

400 Roosevelt Court

Ventura, CA 93003

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Beautiful Day in a Neighborhood

Writing a letter to a famous television personality and expecting a reply is not dissimilar from putting a message in a bottle and throwing it into the sea.

Yet that is what a young boy in a Ventura neighborhood did, with the help of his mother, eighteen years past. Composed by Franklin, typed by his mom and printed in Arial font, the letter read:

“December 13, 2000

“Dear Mr. Rogers,

“My name is Franklin and I am 3 and a half years old. My mommy is computing this for me. I’d like to have a book about how to do things. You know how everything works, so maybe you know this book? I wish you could put all of your ‘how’ movies together and send it to me.

A postcard sent personally from Mister Rogers to Franklin

A postcard sent from Mister Rogers to Franklin

“I want to know how you make plastic and how plastic gets squished into shape like a cowboy hat. Mommy says plastic starts with oil, but how does black stuff become a shiny hat? Mommy told me how to make people and deer but how do you make glass and windows? I want to know how they make this keyboard. I also want to know how to read letters.

“Can you please help me?

“I love you,

“Franklin Hansen”

Beneath Franklin’s carefully printed signature was a typed postscript:

“A note from Mom: Thank you for so many wonderful years of ‘Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood’ and for your essays in ‘Ladybug’ magazine. I am learning as much about ‘how’ now as when I was a child and I am so grateful that my children can relax with you and learn how to be better people: nicer, kinder, and more open-minded. I am still learning from you and my son’s curiosity is a wonderful excuse to say thank-you. I am sad about your retirement but as long as PBS keeps airing your shows (how do I ensure this?) my kids will continue to grow with your wisdom.


“Cindy Hansen”

All these years later, Cindy retells: “We were watching one of the shows and Franklin absolutely adored those factory segments. So after one of the shows we were talking about them and all of the things he wanted to know. He wanted to ask/wish why Mister Rogers didn’t have a show that was just those factory visits.”

The magnificent mother of two sons adds: “I was very glad that my boys enjoyed him as much as I had when I was younger. When we went to the Pittsburgh Children’s Museum (around 2010), we were so excited to see the set with Trolley moving through the Neighborhood. As we drove through town the boys kept saying, ‘He filmed it here Mom!’ Of course, this was his Neighborhood.”

Launched in 1968, the beloved “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood” television show aired original episodes until 2001 – two years before the host’s death at age 74. Marking the iconic educational show’s 50th anniversary, a new film “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” is the highest grossing documentary of 2018. Moreover, Tom Hanks will star in another movie about the late Fred Rogers, “You Are My Friend,” to be released next year.

Back in 2000, back when Franklin was “3 and a half” and wrote a letter filled with questions, Mister Rogers was a big deal and surely too busy to personally answer it.

And yet in early January of 2001, it was a beautiful day in a Ventura neighborhood because a letter arrived from Mister Roger’s Neighborhood. The envelope was addressed to Cindy Hansen, but inside was a letter written to her son.

Next week, we will see Mister Rogers’ remarkable reply.

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Woody Woodburn writes a weekly column for The Ventura County Star and can be contacted at

Wooden & Me Kickstarter Front PhotoCheck out my memoir WOODEN & ME: Life Lessons from My Two-Decade Friendship with the Legendary Coach and Humanitarian to Help “Make Each Day Your Masterpiece” and my essay collection “Strawberries in Wintertime: Essays on Life, Love, and Laughter” …