Life Wonderfully Imitating Art

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Woody Woodburn

400 Roosevelt Court

Ventura, CA 93003

It’s a Wonderful Life-Imitating-Art

Oscar Wilde, in an 1889 essay, opined: “Life imitates Art far more than Art imitates Life.”

In 2018, I observed life imitating art from 1947. Specifically, this month a friend of mine has become a female version of George Bailey in the iconic feel-good film, “It’s a Wonderful Life.”

Her tale did not start out wonderfully.

My friend, who for privacy’s purpose I’ll call Georgia, two years ago battled breast cancer. Medical bills not covered by health insurance, combined with being a single mother who put three children through college, left her walking a financial tightrope.

A self-employed independent contractor, Georgia is superb at her craft and busy. No matter, her tightrope started to sway. Then it began to fray. The problem was not a lack of work, but rather clients slow to pay. And, worse, not paying.

When falling off the high wire seemed imminent, Georgia did for herself what Mary Bailey did for her husband when all seemed lost. Mary went into town spreading word that George was in dire straits; Georgia, reluctantly, asked for help on Facebook.

The results were the same. In the film, Uncle Billy says, “Mary did it, George! Mary did it! She told a few people you were in trouble and they scattered all over town collecting money. They didn’t ask any questions, just said: ‘If George is in trouble, count on me.’ You never saw anything like it.”

Georgia’s friends responded in kind. However, instead of dropping money – bills from wallets and purses, coins raided from a glass saving jar or a jukebox – into a large wicker laundry basket, Georgia’s townspeople made donations electronically through PayPal.

From near and far and farther still, nearly 40 individuals filled Georgia’s wicker basket with more than $2,500 – enough to keep her safe and dry from the thunderstorm until some work payments due are expected to come in. Indeed, and by deed, Georgia’s friends exemplified famed poet Maya Angelou’s advice to “Be a rainbow in somebody else’s cloud.”

In addition to filling the wicker basket, Georgia’s friends importantly filled her heart with words of encouragement and love.

One friend shared, “Others have helped me in various ways, and in the future there will be someone you can help – in one way or another.”

Another: “If we can’t rally around our fellows when they need it, then what’s the point of our ‘community’?”

And: “Remember always to take care of yourself (heart).”

Georgia replied quickly, “Dear friends: I’m absolutely speechless. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. More soon.”

“More soon” include these heartfelt words: “I’m still in the process of thanking everyone personally, but one side benefit to all of this is that I’ve had personal conversations with so many people that I have thoroughly enjoyed. The reconnecting has been amazing.”

And later: “I am overwhelmed and beyond touched at my friends who were there to support me in any way, shape or form. … I am okay now all thanks to you and my shoulders feel lighter. … I don’t think I’ll ever not be embarrassed about this, but I’m feeling tremendously blessed right now.”

That beatified feeling goes both ways. By bravely sharing her plight and allowing others to help her, Georgia gave her friends the joy of being a rainbow in her cloud.

“Come on in here now,” Mary tells George in the closing scene. “Now, you stand right over here, by the tree. Right there, and don’t move, don’t move. I hear ’em now, George, it’s a miracle! It’s a miracle!”

It’s a wonderful story, Georgia’s, of life imitating art.

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Woody Woodburn writes a weekly column for The Ventura County Star and can be contacted at

Wooden & Me Kickstarter Front PhotoCheck out my memoir WOODEN & ME: Life Lessons from My Two-Decade Friendship with the Legendary Coach and Humanitarian to Help “Make Each Day Your Masterpiece” and my essay collection “Strawberries in Wintertime: Essays on Life, Love, and Laughter” …