Still Trying To Be Like My Grandpa

Woody’s new novel “The Butterfly Tree” is available at Amazon (click here), other online retailers, and orderable at all bookshops.

(One year ago today, Feb. 28, my father died at age 97. In his honor, from my archives in 2019, here is a column he greatly enjoyed about his own dad. The ending paragraph has been updated.


Grandpa Ansel, the only grandparent I knew, died when I was only 7, yet he lives on clearly in my memories.

That my son’s middle name is Ansel goes a long way in telling you how much I loved and admired Grandpa. An art assignment when I was in the first grade further fills in the picture.

Grandpa and me and my two older brothers…

“And who is this?” asked Miss Bower, studying my crayon portrait response to her prompt: “Who is the most important person in the world?”

“My grandpa,” six-year-old-me replied, matter-of-factly, as though it were so obvious no answer should have been required.

“All your classmates drew portraits of President Johnson,” Miss Bower noted, adding: “Your grandpa must be very special.”

Me: “Yeah, he’s pretty ginchy.”

To be honest, the thought of drawing a portrait of the President of the United States never crossed my mind. In truth, I wondered why my friends had not drawn pictures of their grandpas.

After all, it wasn’t the President who patiently showed me how to bait a fishhook. Certainly the President had never set down his fly rod to calmly help me untangle a bird’s nest of fishing line in my backlashed spinning reel.

It wasn’t the President who taught me other important things a boy needs to know, like how to skip flat stones across the water; how to whistle; and how to pound nails without bending them.

The President never gave me a ginchy handcrafted wooden toolbox for my fifth birthday – or taught me funny old-fashioned words like “ginchy” which means “cool.”

“Grandpa, how come you don’t use worms like I do?” I once asked while “helping” him tie a fly in his basement fantasyland workshop of tools and endless jars filled with fishhooks, feathers, fur and other thing-a-ma-stuff.

“Oh, it takes a mighty skillful fisherman like yourself to catch a fish with a worm,” he answered. “That’s why you always catch big fish while I catch the little ones. I’d better stick to using flies if I want to have a chance to keep up with you.”

“Okay, Grandpa – but if you change your mind, I’ll share my worms with you.”

Grandpa shared lots of important things with me, like how to look a man in the eye when you shake hands; The Golden Rule; and that little boys in Russia are the same as little boys in America, this being during the Cold War.

“Which way is the wind blowing?” I would ask Grandpa whenever we went fishing. Before answering, he would moisten his index finger in his mouth and then dramatically extend it high in the air as I mimicked him.

Upon seeing which side of his finger-turned-weather-vane dried first, Grandpa would whistle-hum happily before responding: “I do believe it’s blowing from the west.”

Always, the wind was blowing from the west.

Always, this excited me and I would then recite by heart a poem Grandpa had taught me:

“When the wind is from the north, / The wise fisherman does not go forth.

“When the wind is from the south, / It blows the hook into the fish’s mouth.

“When the wind is from the east, / ’Tis not fit for man nor beast.

“But when the wind is from the west, / The fishing is the very best.”

Growing up, I wanted to be like Grandpa Ansel; six years ago, I truly became like him – a grandpa. With fishing as a metaphor, whenever we are together, I want my dear granddaughters Maya, Auden, and Amara to always feel like the wind is blowing from the west.

Portraits of a Brave Role Model

1StrawberriesCoverWooden&Me_cover_PRFor a Personalized Autographed copy of STRAWBERRIES IN WINTERTIME” or “WOODEN & ME” mail a check for $25 to:

Woody Woodburn

400 Roosevelt Court

Ventura, CA 93003

* * *

Portraits of a Brave Role Model

Bravery comes in many forms. Diving into rough seas to save a person from drowning, or rushing into a burning building while others are running out, are classic examples.

Speaking up against peer pressure requires bravery, as does standing up to a bully.

My lovely friend, Delaney Rodriguez, is a portrait of bravery for posting four photos of herself on Facebook. How could sharing some selfies be a courageous act, you ask?

Well, two of the pictures, head-to-heel front and side views, are from three years – and 30 fewer pounds – ago. She looks like a fitness model.1bodyshame

The other two pictures, same revealing angles, are recent. Many will at first see the added weight, and that is the side-by-side purpose, but after reading Delaney’s accompanying words, something else comes into clear focus: she looks like a role model.

Delaney is standing up to a bully known as body shaming.

Teenage girls, as well as women in their mid-20s like Delaney herself, and women of all ages beyond, will find inspiration in her story.

Perhaps most of all, boys and men need to be enlightened from Delaney’s powerful message below.


“So. This is definitely the most vulnerable I have ever been on the Internet, so please friends, be kind.

“To most people, the girl on the left looks healthy. That was me almost 3 years ago and it was the best shape I’ve been in. I was fit according to my weight, BMI, etc. I ate super healthy and took classes from cycling to TRX to barre method. I lifted, I would run, and do various cardio intervals.

“But while I looked great on the outside, it’s hard for me to look at those pictures because I know how sad that girl was. I worked out about 6 days a week for no less than about 2 hours, with one day a week working out for over 3 hours of nonstop cardio and resistance training. On top of that, if my diet veered off at all from my strict guidelines, I would completely shut down.

“I want to be clear, there are athletes who live by rules like that and that is totally okay. The problem was that I didn’t run my own life; my obsession with this idea of perfection ran my life. I got to a weight and a size that was supposed to make me happy and I was miserable. I became a shell of myself and I was constantly searching for outside things to make me happy and still I thought I was fat.

“And the photos on the right are what I took when I was on my Tahoe vacation a couple weeks ago. I weigh at least 30 pounds more than I did in the first pictures (I’ve never been a big fan of scales).

“I still workout about 6 days a week, but my workouts now last between 45 minutes and just over an hour. I still follow a healthy diet.

“But now I enjoy my life, I have my fun with my family and friends, I go out to dinner with my husband. I love fitness in so many different forms and I want to take care of my body, but I also know I need to take care of my mind and emotional well being too.

“Friends, remember that everyone is living their own story, we all have our own struggles. Be kind to each other!”


I asked Delaney, who confided she has struggled with anxiety, depression, and eating disorders since she was a teenager, why she decided to share her journey publicly.

“I’ve found that talking these things through with my friends and family helped me to realize that a lot of people feel this way,” she noted. “Nothing, not my weight or feelings of inadequacy, made me any less worthy of love and respect.”

“Hero” is an overworked word, but I believe Delaney is worthy of it.

Like she says, “Be kind to each other!”

Also, like she has learned to do, be kind to yourself.

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Woody Woodburn writes a weekly column for The Ventura County Star and can be contacted at

Wooden & Me Kickstarter Front PhotoCheck out my memoir WOODEN & ME: Life Lessons from My Two-Decade Friendship with the Legendary Coach and Humanitarian to Help “Make Each Day Your Masterpiece” and my essay collection “Strawberries in Wintertime: Essays on Life, Love, and Laughter” …


