A Few Of My COVID-19 Butterflies

I am guessing that at one time or another, perhaps in a grade-school class or maybe on your own on the windowsill of your childhood kitchen, you placed a caterpillar inside a big jar along with a twig for it to climb on and some leaves or milkweed to eat, and then waited for the magic to happen.

One day, unless you forgot to poke air holes in the jar lid, the caterpillar spun a silky cocoon. Then, inside this protective casing, it wondrously transformed into a chrysalis before emerging as a beautiful butterfly.

It seems to me we have all been like caterpillars this past year, forced inside our stay-and-shelter cocoons. Now, thanks to the scientific magic of vaccines, it is becoming time to safely emerge.

The question is, do we have new wings or are we unchanged caterpillars?

Early on during the coronavirus pandemic, I shared a quote from my hero, John Wooden – “Things turn out best for those who make the best of the way things out” – and suggested this piece of wisdom seemed especially pertinent during these trying days and nights.

Fully a year later, I am curious if – and if so, how? – you have made things turn out for the best? Perhaps you became an expert baker or learned a new language or took up painting? Here are a few of my COVID-19 butterflies…

Visiting with loved ones and friends, while wearing facemasks and keeping a safe social distance, has made me appreciate hugs like never before.

Having a long-planned and greatly anticipated anniversary vacation to Italy cancelled gave me a greater appreciation for travelling than the trip itself could have. When we finally leave home for Rome, I believe my wife and I will savor it tenfold.

Although not quite a phobia, I truly do not like going to the grocery store and so discovering home delivery apps has been a godsend and something I will continue to use.

Despite taking no vacations during the pandemic, I did “travel” to The Mark Twain House & Museum in Hartford, Conn., via an online virtual guided tour. Similarly, I re-“visited” The Edgar Allen Poe House and Museum in Baltimore and The Ernest Hemingway Home and Museum in Key West for special presentations by expert storytellers. These “trips” required no air flights or hotels and were either free or nearly so and I plan to continue searching them out moving forward.

Similarly, I “attended” more than two dozen book talks given around the globe by award-winning authors – including George Saunders, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Anne Lamott and Nikole Hannah Jones – and even asked questions during the Q & A, while sitting on my couch!

I learned that my wife can put up with me 24/7 even after 38 years of marriage.

We have gotten into the habit of visiting with our daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter, and our son and his fiancé, almost daily via Zoom chats.

With Date Nights with my much-better half and Happy Hours with friends and most other social gatherings basically cancelled, it has been like having more hours in the day and even extra days in a month. Thus, things turned out for the best for me with more books read than my usual 52 annual goal – and also in writing a novel manuscript.

Returning to Coach Wooden, as I often do, I believe as the tragic tally of COVID-19 deaths has grown from heartbreaking to mind-numbing and beyond, the pandemic has made my favorite butterfly-beautiful Wooden-ism resonate more powerfully than ever: “Make each day your masterpiece.”

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Woody Woodburn writes a weekly column for The Ventura County Star and can be contacted at WoodyWriter@gmail.com. Follow him on Twitter and Instagram at @woodywoodburn. His SIGNED books are available at www.WoodyWoodburn.com.

Personalized Signed copies of WOODEN & ME: Life Lessons from My Two-Decade Friendship with the Legendary Coach and Humanitarian to Help “Make Each Day Your Masterpiece” and  “Strawberries in Wintertime: Essays on Life, Love, and Laughter” are available at WoodyWoodburn.com

Linked Hands In A Wheat Field

FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: @woodywoodburn


Our Hands Linked,

Even If Only Virtually


Ventura County is rightly renowned for its strawberry fields. But my hometown also makes me think of wheat—specifically, a wheat field in a tiny farm town in Ohio.

The story goes like this:

A young girl wandered from home and became lost in the family’s wheat field that had grown taller than she. Her parents called out her name repeatedly, searched frantically, but could not find her.

Soon her three siblings, then neighbors as well, joined the hunt. But as daylight dimmed and disappeared, the little girl still had not been found.

By now seemingly half the townspeople were hectically racing through the wheat field trying to find the little girl, but with no success. The wheat field was simply too vast.

“Wheat Field With Crows” by Vincent van Gogh.

Night fell and with it the temperature. If the little girl was not found soon, she would surely perish from hypothermia. At long last, her father called everyone in from the wheat field.

No, he had not given up on finding his dear daughter. Rather, he had an idea. He gathered all the volunteers together and had them join hands to form a long human chain. More accurately, they formed a human comb.

They then walked together, side by side by side, combing through the tall amber waves of grain. In this manner they did not miss a single area as had happened when they randomly searched separately.

Within ten minutes, the search party of more than one hundred individuals – now united as one – found the little girl curled up on the ground …

… shivering and trying to stay warm, but still alive.

In a grander sense, it seems to me, the wheat field represents Ventura County – and even the world – most especially during challenging times like these COVID-19 “stay-at-home” days and nights.

All of us figuratively get lost at times and need the help of others. Our local healthcare professionals, restaurant staffs providing takeout meals, pharmacy and grocery workers, Instacart shoppers and retirement home caregivers, and so many more are now linking hands on the front lines, so to speak, to help the rest of us.

The rest of us, in turn, by “sheltering-in-place” as asked are figuratively linking hands to help keep our most vulnerable citizens – those over age 65, those with compromised immune systems, those with asthma – as safe from coronavirus as possible. Additionally, many in our “human comb” are further helping our small businesses by ordering takeout meals or having other products delivered to our homes.

Here is what else I see in our “wheat field.” I see people “social distancing” as advised, yet still “connecting” with others with a smile and a wave outside from safely afar or though a window; with phone calls, emails and video chats; with Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

With our hands linked, virtually, we will eventually emerge from this current wheat field challenge. Perhaps we will be shivering, as though having stayed in the ocean too long; but, as if wrapped in a beach towel, we will quickly warm up again.

When this frightening moment in history passes and the warmth of normal returns, and with it the warmth of real hugs replacing virtual ones, I hope we will be better because it.

Correction. I am convinced we will be better because if it.

Already, I believe, we are seeing one another – from doctors and nurses to grocery workers and pizza delivery drivers, from co-workers and neighbors to the elderly and shut-ins – with a new appreciation.

Yes, when I think of the wheat field story, the new soundtrack is by Beatles: “Strawberry Fields Forever.”

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Woody Woodburn writes a weekly column for The Ventura County Star and can be contacted at WoodyWriter@gmail.com. Follow him on Twitter and Instagram at @woodywoodburn. His books are available at www.WoodyWoodburn.com.

Check out my memoir WOODEN & ME: Life Lessons from My Two-Decade Friendship with the Legendary Coach and Humanitarian to Help “Make Each Day Your Masterpiece” and my essay collection “Strawberries in Wintertime: Essays on Life, Love, and Laughter” …