2021 Commencement Address

“Ladies and gentlemen of the class of (2021): Wear sunscreen. If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience. I will dispense this advice now.”(1)

“The best advice I can give anybody about going out into the world is this: Don’t do it. I have been out there. It is a mess.”(2) “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go for it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”(3)

“Find your Passion with a capital P!”(4) “The fireworks begin today. Each diploma is a lighted match. Each one of you is a fuse.”(5) “You have it easily in your power to increase the sum total of this world’s happiness now. How? By giving a few words of sincere appreciation to someone who is lonely or discouraged. Perhaps you will forget tomorrow the kind words you say today, but the recipient may cherish them over a lifetime.”(6)

“Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others, cannot keep it from themselves.”(7) “Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.”(8) “Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”(9)

“Go to the edge of the cliff and jump off. Build your wings on the way down.”(10) “It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.”(11) “Always, always, always, always, always, always, always do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain.”(12) “Fortune befriends the bold.”(13)

“It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.”(14) “You can’t achieve mountaintop dreams with downhill effort.”(15) “And will you succeed? Yes! You will indeed! 98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.”(16)

“Make today your masterpiece.”(17) “Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.”(18) “You can’t do anything about yesterday, and the only way to improve tomorrow is by what you do right now.”(19)

“Do not judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.”(20) “The true meaning of life is to plant trees under whose shade you do not expect to sit.”(21)

“The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.”(22) “Learn as if you were to live forever; live as if you were to die tomorrow.”(23) “When you get, give; when you learn, teach.”(24)

“Wise are those who learn that the bottom line doesn’t always have to be their top priority.”(25) “We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.”(26) “If you don’t make an effort to help others less fortunate than you, then you’re just wasting your time on Earth.”(27)

“There is a good reason they call these ceremonies ‘commencement exercises’ – graduation is not the end, it’s the beginning.”(28) “When you leave here, don’t forget why you came.”(29) “Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.”(30)

“When you leave home, you take home with you.”(31)

(1-Mary Schmich. 2-Russell Baker. 3-Howard Thurman. 4-Wayne Bryan. 5-Eward Koch. 6-Dale Carnegie. 7-James M. Barrie. 8-Anthony J. D’Angelo. 9-Ralph Waldo Emerson 10-Ray Bradbury. 11-e.e. cummings. 12-Emerson. 13-Emily Dickinson. 14-Edmund Hillary. 15-Woody Woodburn. 16-Dr. Seuss. 17-John Wooden. 18-Mark Twain. 19-Wooden. 20-Robert Louis Stevenson. 21-Nelson Henderson. 22-Henry David Thoreau. 23-Wooden. 24-Maya Angelou. 25-William Arthur Ward. 26-Winston Churchill. 27-Wayne Bryan. 28-Orrin Hatch. 29-Adlai E. Stevenson. 30-Dr. Seuss. 31-Angelou.)

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Woody Woodburn writes a weekly column for The Ventura County Star and can be contacted at WoodyWriter@gmail.com. Follow him on Twitter and Instagram at @woodywoodburn. His SIGNED books are available at www.WoodyWoodburn.com.

Personalized Signed copies of WOODEN & ME: Life Lessons from My Two-Decade Friendship with the Legendary Coach and Humanitarian to Help “Make Each Day Your Masterpiece” and  “Strawberries in Wintertime: Essays on Life, Love, and Laughter” are available at WoodyWoodburn.com


Gifts Learned Through Sports

FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: @woodywoodburn


Sports and Learning

Go Hand-in-High-Five

            The Star’s annual high school Scholar-Athletes were announced last week and, as always, their academic deeds are every bit as impressive as their physical feats. Indeed, their GPAs and SAT scores are perhaps even more eye-popping than any RBIs and TD totals.

Headlined by female and male Scholar-Athletes of the Year Peyton Erickson (Ventura High, soccer) and Kevin Daniel (Royal High, tennis), the 26 honorees further add to their remarkable resumes a series of leadership endeavors, community service work and club activities.

While it might seem there must be pixie dust in the Gatorade potions they drink, in truth the magic elixir is sport itself. This was evidenced at the Laureus Youth Leadership Summit held in Los Angeles a week past with dozens of youths and also adults meeting to explore such topics as “What it means to be a young leader”; “Why sport is uniquely positioned to develop leadership skills”; and “How skills are transferred from sport to all areas of life.”

Speakers in the two-day conference included four-time Olympic gold medalist runner Michael Johnson and Olympic sabre fencing bronze medalist Ibtihaj Muhammad, but the real stars were the youth themselves who shared their own insights. For example, one exercise featured a chalkboard that began as a clean slate except for this prompt at the top: “Sports showed me…”

Throughout Day One of the summit, participants of all ages picked up sticks of white, blue, red or pink chalk and fully filled up the board. In printed letters as well as in script, sometimes using all caps for emphasis or underlines, here are some of the values of sport as written by young athletes and their mentors:

“How to play as a team. Make new friends. How a team can become a family.

“How to interact with others as family (heart). Family, work, life, opportunity, community. To have fun!!!

“It’s okay to make mistakes! (heart) Helps me improve my self-confidence. Feels like a painter painting a masterpiece.”

“The world (underlined). New experiences. Go new places.

“Seek out those who will help you achieve your GOALS!! I am capable of so much! Independence. Leadership.

“Hustle & Dedication. Motivation. Courage! Patience (underlined twice). Assertiveness. Inspiration. Discipline.

“Minor setback for major comeback! Not to give up. Dedication is key! HOW TO GET BACK UP again and again. Giving up is not an option.

“Youth leadership is harnessing a platform with vision, integrity and an open mind.

“The young people are NOT (underlined) the future, they are the NOW (underlined three times)!

“How to be an ambassador through play. It’s more than just a win or a loss. FUN!

“Help break racial barriers. It doesn’t depend on the gender you are. Brings others together. To not be a judgmental person. Helped me understand others, learn for others, listen to others.

“Do your best! Be curious & vulnerable. Sportsmanship. Passion.

“Teamwork makes the dream work! (heart) Learn who can help you achieve your dreams.

“Compassion and Love. Be yourself. Staying true to yourself is the way to live.

“How to be a better person. How to express myself and connect w/ multiple kinds of people. Give the same respect that I want to receive.”

Had I been asked to contribute to the colorful chalkboard, I might have quoted tennis legend Billie Jean King: “Sports teaches you character, it teaches you to play by the rules, it teaches you to know what it feels like to win and lose – it teaches you about life.”

The 2018-19 Star Scholar Athletes have each learned all this and now lead by example as well.

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FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: @woodywoodburn

Woody Woodburn writes a weekly column for The Ventura County Star and can be contacted at WoodyWriter@gmail.com. Follow him on Twitter and Instagram at woodywoodburn. His books are available at www.WoodyWoodburn.com.

Check out my memoir WOODEN & ME: Life Lessons from My Two-Decade Friendship with the Legendary Coach and Humanitarian to Help “Make Each Day Your Masterpiece” and my essay collection “Strawberries in Wintertime: Essays on Life, Love, and Laughter” …