He Types Out A Memorable Story

Is your Club or Group looking for an inspiring guest speaker or do you want to host a book signing? . . . Contact Woody today!

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1StrawberriesCoverWooden-&-Me-cover-mock-upFor a Personalized Autographed copy of STRAWBERRIES IN WINTERTIME” or “WOODEN & ME” use the PayPal link on my home page or mail a check for $25 to:

Woody Woodburn

400 Roosevelt Court

Ventura, CA 93003

Typing Out A Memorable Story

            Bob Fitch has been married 62 years and in addition to Mo – “most people struggle with Moira, a Scottish name” the husband points out – he loves, to a far lesser degree of course, HO gauge model trains, baseball and typewriters.

In an email, the longtime Thousand Oaks resident shared memories of the latter two, beginning with a high school typing class that changed his life.

“Our teacher, Emma Wrangler, used records to build our speed,” Bob points out. “One I recall most was ‘Tea for Two.’ In my mind’s eye, I can still see her taking the 78-rpm record out of the paper sleeve, putting it on the turntable and setting the needle arm on the record. Then, ‘Ready, Begin.’

“I did well and for high school graduation my grandfather gave me a Remington portable, which I took to college at Bowling Green State University in Ohio. I typed theme papers for other students at 25 cents a page and made some spending money.

“And my speed continued to build. When I reported for basic training at Ft. Dix, NJ, in July 1957, after the busses emptied our incoming class, we were assembled on the parade grounds about midnight.

“The 1st Sergeant yelled out, ‘Who can type?’ Up shot my hand with one other guy. We were told to take our gear to the company HQ dayroom. We typed all night in our ‘civvies’ doing the induction paper work for the rest of the guys.

“When Sgt. Fuentes saw how fast we were processing the men, we were told: ‘You guys are too valuable and your time here will be spent working in my dayroom. When you type duty rosters, i.e. guard duty, KP, etc., leave your names off.’

“The other guy, Steve Gelman, was a sportswriter for ‘Sport Magazine’ and he was a whiz-bang typist from typing all his stories. We hit it off well. We had a great deal and we knew it!

“We spent our entire six months of active duty making Sgt. Fuentes look good with no strikeover morning reports, no misspelling, etc. He was commended by the Commanding Officer for his outstanding paper work. He always thanked us for what we did for him. I’m forever thankful for that typing class. He always took us to the mess hall with him for coffee in the morning. He knew, too, he had a good deal!

“When our class cycled out after eight weeks of basic, in came another group of recruits and Steve and I did ‘our thing.’

Here, at last, comes the baseball memory of two Hall of Fame pitchers and a star second baseman for the Dodgers.

“My claim to fame,” Bob continued, “is that I typed the paperwork for

Don Drysdale, Sandy Koufax and Charlie Neal when they were called to Army duty.

“We each sat behind a beat-up wooden desk with our typewriter before us and there was a chair at the side of the desk where the individual sat. We would say, ‘Last name, first name,’ etc. as we tabbed to the blanks on the forms.

“Never looking up, I said, ‘Last name.’ I heard ‘Drysdale.’ ‘First name’ – ‘Donald.’

“I was a huge baseball fan and here I am sitting next to one of the best of that time! Two of the questions asked were, ‘Occupation’ and ‘Salary.’ Both Drysdale and Koufax said ‘baseball pitcher’ and ‘$10,000.’ I always admired them for not trying to avoid service time.”

And this email postscript: “I really had fun TYPING this – all that was missing was the clatter and hitting the return bar!”

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Woody Woodburn writes a weekly column for The Ventura County Star and can be contacted at WoodyWriter@gmail.com.

Wooden & Me Kickstarter Front PhotoCheck out my memoir WOODEN & ME: Life Lessons from My Two-Decade Friendship with the Legendary Coach and Humanitarian to Help “Make Each Day Your Masterpiece” and my essay collection “Strawberries in Wintertime: Essays on Life, Love, and Laughter” …



Hooray, “Read Across America Day”!

Is your Club or Group looking for an inspiring guest speaker or do you want to host a book signing? . . . Contact Woody today!

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1StrawberriesCoverWooden-&-Me-cover-mock-upFor a Personalized Autographed copy of STRAWBERRIES IN WINTERTIME” or “WOODEN & ME” use the PayPal link on my home page or mail a check for $25 to:

Woody Woodburn

400 Roosevelt Court

Ventura, CA 93003

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Hip Hooray, “Read Across America Day”!

Moms and pops, girls and boys! I yell / Let’s honor Mr. Theodor Geisel

Born long ago on this very date / As Dr. Seuss he was beyond great

Even if you are no book lover / Turn the pages inside a cover

Nationwide in libraries, I say / It’s “Read Across America Day”!


While a memorable opening sentence – think Charles Dickens’ “It was the best of time, it was the worst of times…” in A Tale of Two Cities – can hook a reader, I thought it would be fun to flip to the final pages and share some terrific ending sentences. Here goes . . .

“But wherever they go, and whatever happens to them on the way, in that enchanted place on top of the Forest, a little boy and his Bear will always be playing.” – The House at Pooh Corner by A.A. Milne

“ ‘Have a carrot,’ said the mother bunny.” – The Runaway Bunny by Margaret Wise Brown

“The scar had not pained Harry for 19 years. All was well.”Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling

“But in the world according to Garp, we are all terminal cases.” – The World According to Garp by John Irving

“Oh, my girls, however long you may live, I never can wish you a greater happiness than this!” – Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

            “I’m so glad to be home again.” – The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum

“ ‘I guess, said he at last, ‘that I’m not so smart as I thought I was, and I’ve got a lot to learn yet.’ ” – The Adventures of Buster Bear by Thornton W. Burgess

“And it was still hot.” – Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak

“Over the river a golden ray of sun came through the hosts of leaden rain clouds.” – The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane

“After all, tomorrow is another day.” – Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell

“And in the Provincelands, treasures still lie.” – Fog by Ken McAlpine

“ ‘Yes,’ I said. ‘Isn’t it pretty to think so?” The Sun Also Rises by Earnest Hemingway

“The old man was dreaming about the lions.” – The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway

“He would be there all night, and he would be there when Jem waked up in the morning.” – To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

“I got to light out for the territory ahead of the rest, because Aunt Sally she’s going to adopt me and sivilize me, and I can’t stand it. I been there before.” – Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain

“But the sky was bright, and he somehow felt he was headed in the right direction.” – Stuart Little by E.B. White

“He loved Big Brother.” — 1984 by George Orwell

“So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.” – The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

“She looked up and across the barn, and her lips came together and smiled mysteriously.” – The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck

“Goodnight stars, goodnight air, goodnight noises everywhere.” – Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown

“Carol,” he said softly, “you sparkle in that gray dress.” – Woman, Running Late, In A Dress by Dallas Woodburn

“It is not often that someone comes along who is a true friend and a good writer. Charlotte was both.” – Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White

“Should we tell her about it?/ Now, what should we do? Well… What would you do / If your mother asked you?” – The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss

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Woody Woodburn writes a weekly column for The Ventura County Star and can be contacted at WoodyWriter@gmail.com.

Wooden & Me Kickstarter Front PhotoCheck out my memoir WOODEN & ME: Life Lessons from My Two-Decade Friendship with the Legendary Coach and Humanitarian to Help “Make Each Day Your Masterpiece” and my essay collection “Strawberries in Wintertime: Essays on Life, Love, and Laughter” …

Readers Look Backwards at Pups

Is your Club or Group looking for an inspiring guest speaker or do you want to host a book signing? . . . Contact Woody today!

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1StrawberriesCoverWooden-&-Me-cover-mock-upFor a Personalized Autographed copy of STRAWBERRIES IN WINTERTIME” or “WOODEN & ME” use the PayPal link on my home page or mail a check for $25 to:

Woody Woodburn

400 Roosevelt Court

Ventura, CA 93003


Readers Look Backwards at Own Pups

Robert Frost’s Tweet-length poem “The Span of Life,” and last week’s column about my own old dog who “barks backwards without getting up,” had quite a few readers sharing remembrances of their own pups. Here are a few . . .


“Your thoughtful column brought a few tears to our eyes because we had fairly recently had to bid goodbye to our own ‘lovable backward-barking dog,’ a bull terrier named Sir Elton,” wrote Carol and Bob Olivera.

“Our canine companions (best described by us as ‘children with paws’) have all held a very special place in our hearts, and it is so very difficult when they let us know it’s time to say goodbye.

“We have a plaque in our home that reads: ‘It came to me that every time I lose a dog, they take a piece of my heart with them, and every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog and I will become as generous and loving as they are.’ ”


Jim Reynolds’ note greeted me with a warning bark: “Woody, my wife always, and I seldom, read your articles (different politics).”

Then Jim’s tail metaphorically wagged: “However, ‘A lovable backward-barking dog’ brought tears to an old (79) dog lover. Maybe the article had the impact because the old dog wasn’t a dog at all; maybe me, much younger, and me now.

“And perhaps Frost’s dog was my two 13-year-old dogs that died in my lap, or perhaps it was one of the other five dogs my wife and I raised and then passed ‘beyond backward-barking.’

“Your readers and I were blessed by Frost’s dog and poem, and your discovery of the poem (so long ago) and especially your sharing the wisdom in today’s column! Thank you for an insight that I will treasure.”

Jim then added his own deep wisdom: “I believe that if a dog’s human always tries to do their best for their dog, they have done their part of God’s plan. A dog’s life cycle is shorter than I prefer – but then I can treasure, love and care for more dogs. Perhaps that’s the tradeoff that’s best for both us humans and the dogs that God loans us to love, to learn from, and to care for.”


“Your column brought back memories and some blurry eyes, thinking of our old dog, Pinky,” wrote Rick Throckmorton.

“Bought as a reddish-blonde cocker spaniel pup for my two small boys, Pinky was part of our lives for 17 years, until, like your Murray, he would ‘bark backwards’ at times as he protected the family hearth from some unknown and unseen intrusion.

“Gosh, we loved that dog. When he left us, it was as if tearing away a part of the family. Could never replace him!

“Anyway, you brought back a memory of a Tom T. Hall song that also brings tears when I hear it on the radio. While ‘only a song’, it is poetry in its true form.”

Rick shared the full song which includes these lines: “Ain’t but three things in this world that’s worth a solitary dime, / But old dogs and children and watermelon wine. … Old dogs care about you even when you make mistakes; / God bless little children while they’re still too young to hate. … That night I dreamed in peaceful sleep of shady summertime / Of old dogs and children and watermelon wine.”

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Woody Woodburn writes a weekly column for The Ventura County Star and can be contacted at WoodyWriter@gmail.com.

Wooden & Me Kickstarter Front PhotoCheck out my memoir WOODEN & ME: Life Lessons from My Two-Decade Friendship with the Legendary Coach and Humanitarian to Help “Make Each Day Your Masterpiece” and my essay collection “Strawberries in Wintertime: Essays on Life, Love, and Laughter” …

A Lovable Backward-Barking Dog

Is your Club or Group looking for an inspiring guest speaker or do you want to host a book signing? . . . Contact Woody today!

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1StrawberriesCoverWooden-&-Me-cover-mock-upFor a Personalized Autographed copy of STRAWBERRIES IN WINTERTIME” or “WOODEN & ME” use the PayPal link on my home page or mail a check for $25 to:

Woody Woodburn

400 Roosevelt Court

Ventura, CA 93003

 *   *   *

Poetic Reality: My Old Dog Barks Backward

It is not one of Robert Frost’s most venerable poems, certainly not among his longest at a mere 20 words including the title, but “The Span of Life” has long been one of my favorites by the masterful poet.

Penned in 1937, the poem has been on my mind in 2019 – including now as I write this column with our 12-year-old boxer sleeping nearby – for Frost’s words are about Murray surely:

“The old dog barks backwards without getting up. / I can remember when he was a pup.”

Murray, with a bandage where IV was, recovering after recent surgery.

Murray, named after my writing idol and late friend Jim Murray, has become an old dog too weary to get up and turn around before barking at something behind him. And this is if he hears a noise in the first place. Indeed, in recent months his hearing has faded ever as much as his once jet-black muzzle and mask has faded to charcoal and snow.

As if it were only a week ago, that being yesterday in dog days, I can remember when Murray was a pup. His name in the litter was Dave, but we changed it on the drive home. Nearly as quickly he earned the nickname “Gator” because he attacked hands and shoelaces, and even a wooden molding corner at the top of the stairs, with the fervor of an alligator.

In his early months, Murray also chewed up the backyard sprinkler system and took out an entire flowerbed of plants. “Spirited” is the word the laughing veterinarian used to describe the young Gator.

Now when Murray barks backward, if he barks at all, it is with a few less teeth, three having been pulled recently.

Nor does the ol’ guy see much to bark at these days. Despite two eye surgeries, he has grown nearly blind. No matter, Murray navigates the house nimbly by memory and gets around the neighborhood on twice-daily mile-plus walks remarkably well by familiar scents.

Of the eight dogs I have had in my life, Murray is my paws-down favorite. One reason, in fact four, is because he has always made my daughter, son, wife and me feel like we are each his favorite human in the entire world.

Example. Throughout four years of high school my son took recovery ice baths after every cross-country and track practice with Murray always keeping him tub-side company.

Example. Normally, Murray stays off all beds even if invited up. However, when my daughter called off her engagement during the last week of grad school and came home to mend, Murray leapt up and curled beside her for weeks on end.

Example. Murray is, quite simply, my wife’s shadow.

Example. Murray keeps me company when I write at home and keeps watch for me out the window when I’m out. Even now, with veiled vision, he keeps faithful vigil. Indeed, his brown eyes have clouded over but they still clearly register bottomless unconditional love.

Our dear old dog just had another surgery, this time to remove a lesion from his lower lip. “Epitheliotrophic lymphoma” the pathology report stated in a medical mouthful of scary syllables. Has it spread? Only time will tell.

For the time being Murray is back to his older self, still strongly muscled at 79 pounds, still with a supersonic stubby tail when happy, still enriching our lives beyond measure.

As The Span of Murray’s Life winds down, it seems to me Frost’s poem misses the mark in being wistful about his pup. It is a natural feeling, yet all in all I think an old backward-barking dog is even more lovable.

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Woody Woodburn writes a weekly column for The Ventura County Star and can be contacted at WoodyWriter@gmail.com.

Wooden & Me Kickstarter Front PhotoCheck out my memoir WOODEN & ME: Life Lessons from My Two-Decade Friendship with the Legendary Coach and Humanitarian to Help “Make Each Day Your Masterpiece” and my essay collection “Strawberries in Wintertime: Essays on Life, Love, and Laughter” …

Getting A Few Things Off My Chest

Is your Club or Group looking for an inspiring guest speaker or do you want to host a book signing? . . . Contact Woody today!

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1StrawberriesCoverWooden-&-Me-cover-mock-upFor a Personalized Autographed copy of STRAWBERRIES IN WINTERTIME” or “WOODEN & ME” use the PayPal link on my home page or mail a check for $25 to:

Woody Woodburn

400 Roosevelt Court

Ventura, CA 93003

Rants and Raves About This and That

 Harrumph! If you were anticipating 600 words of warm maple syrup over waffles-like sweetness this morning, put down the newspaper and phone your grandma. I’m in a the-rains-have-chased-an-ant-farm-into-my-kitchen kind of grouchy mood.

But I do love the rain, especially the softer showers that my great-grandfather, a farmer, used to call “a million-dollar soaking.”


I’m annoyed that we citizens get soaked with more and more taxes every year while fewer and fewer potholes seem to get filled. In Ventura, Johnson Drive especially resembles a road that’s been bombed by enemy aircraft. Throughout Ventura County every city and neighborhood has its own neglected moonscape roads that are as zig-zagging difficult to navigate as diagramming a sentence spoken by Donald Trump.

But I do love how rarely modern tires get flats compared to eons ago when I first learned to drive.


Speaking of driving, I’m annoyed that there’s more than a three-month wait to make an on-line appointment at the Ventura DMV to get a license renewal with a REAL ID. Harrumph! I want to see the eye chart before my birthday, not get tickets to see “Hamilton.”

But I love being at the DMV and seeing the radiant smiles of 16-year-olds who have just found out they passed their driving test.


I’m annoyed by the New England Patriots’ selfishness and greed in hogging the Vince Lombardi Trophy.

But I do love New England clam chowder.


Call me a Pa Ventura-like ol’ fuddy-duddy, but the halftime show of the Super Bowl usually annoys me and this year was no exception.

But I do love that Maroon 5, headliners of the 2019 midgame-snack-rush-bathroom-flush extravaganza, donated its entire $500,000 payday to the children’s charity Big Brothers Big Sisters of America

I also loved Gladys Knight’s rendition of the National Anthem at Super Bowl LIII.


The NFL stubbornly still using Roman numerals to designate the Super Bowls annoys me.

But I loved Roman Gabriel when he played quarterback for the Rams in the 19LXs and early ’LXXs – and I think even at age LXXVIII, ol’ jersey No. XVIII would have played better than III-year pro Jared Goff.


I am beyond annoyed at the assault on Mother Earth and Her clean air and water by U.S. president XLV, big business around the globe, and mankind in general.

But I love that Patagonia, founded by Yvon Chouinard and headquartered in Ventura, is donating the additional $10 million in profits the company earned in 2018 as a result of corporate tax cuts to grassroots groups battling climate change.


I get annoyed when I see a police officer behind the wheel commit an infraction – such as recently driving in a heavy downpour, where the visibility was horrible, with his headlights off and nearly causing a traffic accident because of it – that would get the rest of us a ticket.

I love seeing a speeder get pulled over.


I am annoyed that the profession of journalism is grossly undervalued and constantly under fire in America.

But I loved the Washington Post’s “Democracy Dies in Darkness” one-minute commercial that aired during Super Bowl 53. Narrated by Tom Hanks and featuring powerful images, it was powerful poetry:

“When we go off to war. When we exercise our rights. When we soar to our greatest heights. When we mourn and pray. When our neighbors are at risk. When our nation is threatened. There’s someone to gather the facts. To bring you the story. No matter the cost. Because knowing empowers us. Knowing helps us decide. Knowing keeps us free.”

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Woody Woodburn writes a weekly column for The Ventura County Star and can be contacted at WoodyWriter@gmail.com.

Wooden & Me Kickstarter Front PhotoCheck out my memoir WOODEN & ME: Life Lessons from My Two-Decade Friendship with the Legendary Coach and Humanitarian to Help “Make Each Day Your Masterpiece” and my essay collection “Strawberries in Wintertime: Essays on Life, Love, and Laughter” …

A Date With Coincidence And Fate

Is your Club or Group looking for an inspiring guest speaker or do you want to host a book signing? . . . Contact Woody today!

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1StrawberriesCoverWooden-&-Me-cover-mock-upFor a Personalized Autographed copy of STRAWBERRIES IN WINTERTIME” or “WOODEN & ME” use the PayPal link on my home page or mail a check for $25 to:

Woody Woodburn

400 Roosevelt Court

Ventura, CA 93003


A Date With Coincidence And Fate

Sometimes one has to wonder: Coincidence? Or fate?

The date of Jan. 26, more than any other single day in the year, in my family seems to hold a story typed by the fingers of a higher power. Coincidence seems overmatched in explaining it.

Coincidence – “the occurrence of events that happen at the same time by accident but seem to have some connection” – is my sharing a birth date with my wife’s grandfather. The odds are only 1-in-365 against this accidental connection.

Coincidence, too, is my daughter giving birth to our first grandchild on the one-year anniversary of the night – seemingly, in fact, the very hour – that the Thomas Fire razed my childhood home. For my father especially, who still lived in the house, a date of gloom was instead turned into one of bloom in celebrating the birth of his great-granddaughter Maya.

Multiple memorable events and coincidental anniversaries happen every date of the year, of course, which is why newspapers run daily “On This Date In History” summaries. A Jan. 26 coincidence, for example, is Michigan becoming a state (1837), Louisiana seceding from the Union (1861) and Virginia rejoining the Union (1970).

Celine, right, with best friends Holly, left, and Dallas.

January 26 has seemingly surpassed coincidence for my loved ones and me.

Shuffling chronological order, let me begin with “On This Date” in 2003 when a drunk driver speeding down a city street at 70 mph rear-ended me as I was stopped at a red light. My life, in a blink’s instant, was forever changed. I suffered a ruptured disc in my neck and, despite successful fusion surgery, have permanent nerve damage in my left arm, hand and fingers.

Still, it was not fully a tragedy. In truth, I was beyond lucky in walking away from a hunk of twisted steel that had seconds earlier been a Honda Civic. Indeed, two police officers at the scene could not believe I survived.

January 26, 2015 offered no such compassion for my daughter’s dear friend Celine. In India for a wedding, Celine and her younger brother were passengers in a taxi when it was broadsided by a bus. The brother walked away, the big sister did not. In a blink’s instant, a life at age 26 was extinguished; a lifelong friend was lost before intertwined long lives were lived.

Coincidence, surely, these two crashes occurring on the same date. But there is more. Jumping back in time to the Jan. 26 five years before my car crash, my lovely niece Arianna was born.

And this: on Jan. 26 five years ago, exactly one year before Celine’s tragic death, my daughter met the love of her life who would become her husband.

One more coincidental star came into magical alignment this young year. In college, my daughter and Celine had a third inseparable roommate and “sister”, Holly. Last Saturday – Jan. 26 – Holly’s boyfriend proposed to her.

Holly’s fiancé – she enthusiastically said “yes!” when he got down on bended knee – claims he did not choose the significant date on purpose. He says he was not hoping to magically metamorphose an anniversary date of sorrow into one with a measure of joy. In fact, his proposal was delayed a week due to a Midwestern blizzard.

Still, it is naturally possible that Justin’s subconscious was at play when he settled on the fateful date. Or perhaps Jan. 26 somehow chose him.

I cannot help but think the latter. As Hemingway wrote in the closing line of dialogue in the novel “The Sun Also Rises”, spoken in – coincidentally, Celine – a taxi:

“ ‘Isn’t it pretty to think so?’ ”

Yes, it is.

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Woody Woodburn writes a weekly column for The Ventura County Star and can be contacted at WoodyWriter@gmail.com.

Wooden & Me Kickstarter Front PhotoCheck out my memoir WOODEN & ME: Life Lessons from My Two-Decade Friendship with the Legendary Coach and Humanitarian to Help “Make Each Day Your Masterpiece” and my essay collection “Strawberries in Wintertime: Essays on Life, Love, and Laughter” …

A Floating On Air Love Story

Is your Club or Group looking for an inspiring guest speaker or do you want to host a book signing? . . . Contact Woody today!

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1StrawberriesCoverWooden-&-Me-cover-mock-upFor a Personalized Autographed copy of STRAWBERRIES IN WINTERTIME” or “WOODEN & ME” use the PayPal link on my home page or mail a check for $25 to:

Woody Woodburn

400 Roosevelt Court

Ventura, CA 93003

A Floating On Air Love Story

Lighthouses, I discovered up close while touring historical beacons on Canada’s Prince Edward Island, are both lovely and romantic.

Marion Nauman, who read my column headlined “Old Lighthouses Offer New Thrills,” has a personal tale combining those same PEI lighthouses with a love story worthy of a Hollywood movie.

Roll the opening credits and title “Love Is In The Air” as a two-seat, single-engine airplane takes off from the Santa Paula Airport.

Flashback to a “meet cute” . . .

“In 1999, a mutual friend introduced two long-divorced people,” shares Marion, a longtime local teacher, now retired. “He was shy and when he dropped by a few times, he used the excuse of ‘Checking on the place’ for that friend who’d left a couple of things to be stored.

“My kids and I were in the process of renovating the old house I’d just gotten. I’d been painting the living room ceiling, so was in my grubbiest clothes and covered in paint and sweat. I was atop a tall ladder when my power painter died.

“In a most unladylike reaction, I let fly a string of curses. The twins scurried over, saying sotto voce, ‘Mom! Mom! Shhhhh!’ Their eyes drew mine to the door. Sure enough, the gentleman was all spruced up, coming to check on me, not the house contents. A braver soul there never was: He asked me on our first date.

A Yellowbird RV-9A similar to Marion and Bob’s.

“A few days later, he rang the doorbell and I stepped out, looking far better than he’d previously seen me. The weather had turned cool, so I ducked back inside for a moment to grab a sweater. Moments later, I stepped back out and he was gone!

“I soon located him in my garage, arms akimbo and smiling. ‘What are you doing?’ I asked.

“ ‘Oh, just admiring your tools,’ he replied. As it turned out, a thief had made off with all of his, which he sorely missed.

“During a delightful first date, we learned that he was a retired general engineer; I was still teaching junior high and we enjoyed many things in common. He immediately invited me out again.

“As he escorted me from my East Ventura home the second time, he asked, ‘How would you feel about building an airplane in your garage?’ Now, from an engineer, that is a proposal of marriage.

“We finished renovating the house. I got a ride in his friend’s plane which he’d helped build, and we started building our own. I took flight lessons, and then retired.

“We were married in that mutual friend’s garden, and headed home. With ‘Just Married’ decorating the car, he inclined his head toward the garage, asking, ‘Do you mind?’ Within five minutes we were both in jeans and T-shirts, pounding rivets!

“We flew that plane all over the place. He pretty much left the destination choices to me. So at one point I proposed that we cross the northern U.S. with Prince Edward Island as our farthest point.

“ ‘You plan it; we’ll fly it,’ he responded.

“Like you, Woody, I was taken by the sight of PEI’s lighthouses, each a unique gem.

“Bob and I did a lot of flying,” Marion, now 68, continues, noting he was 15 years her senior. “But he lost his health and passed on, about the time I came down with a rare disease which makes me allergic to the sun and weak, so our Yellow Bird, an RV-9A was parted out to friends. But oh, do I have memories to cherish! Especially all those lighthouses!”

Fade to black, roll the closing credits.

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Woody Woodburn writes a weekly column for The Ventura County Star and can be contacted at WoodyWriter@gmail.com.

Wooden & Me Kickstarter Front PhotoCheck out my memoir WOODEN & ME: Life Lessons from My Two-Decade Friendship with the Legendary Coach and Humanitarian to Help “Make Each Day Your Masterpiece” and my essay collection “Strawberries in Wintertime: Essays on Life, Love, and Laughter” …


This, That and Some Other Stuff

Is your Club or Group looking for an inspiring guest speaker or do you want to host a book signing? . . . Contact Woody today!

* * *

1StrawberriesCoverWooden-&-Me-cover-mock-upFor a Personalized Autographed copy of STRAWBERRIES IN WINTERTIME” or “WOODEN & ME” use the PayPal link on my home page or mail a check for $25 to:

Woody Woodburn

400 Roosevelt Court

Ventura, CA 93003

This, That and Some Other Stuff

Ernest Hemingway is credited with writing perhaps the shortest great story, telling a heart-wrenching tale in a mere six words:

“For sale: baby shoes, never worn.”

My wife may have done the legendary writer one better, and with two less words.

Murray, with a bandage from the IV, resting and recuperating.

As prelude, our 12-year-old boxer, Murray, recently required surgery to remove a growth from his gums. The day prior, Lisa went to a pet store and, with help from a sales clerk, selected a protective cone collar.

Surgery went well and surprise of surprises, Murray didn’t scratch at his mouth at all. When Lisa returned the protective cone, unopened, the same sales clerk asked if there was something wrong with it.

“We didn’t need it,” my wife answered.

“I’m so sorry,” said the clerk, his tone filled with sympathy and his mind filled with the thought, “Surgery: dog died, cone never worn.”

Recognizing the miscommunication, Lisa happily explained that Murray was doing great and wasn’t pawing at his stitches. The clerk couldn’t have smiled wider had it been his own dog.


Speaking of kind sales clerks, our local Trader Joe’s never ceases to amaze me. In the past, I’ve seen a cashier jot down a recipe for a customer; race into the parking lot to return small change; give a hug to a woman customer who was having a bad day; and give flowers to a woman who lost her home in the Thomas Fire.

Recently, I bought three dark chocolate “Truffle” bars that proved to be stale chalky white. Mentioning this to a TJ’s cashier, despite having no receipt and none of the stale bars with me, he insisted on replacing them for free.


According to a recent study by Kantar Public, 52 percent of Americans say they would feel “very comfortable” having a female president.

Reaction: Shame on the other 48 percent.


Nobody asked me, but here’s one more political thought: While the federal government is shut down, shouldn’t we citizens have our income taxes prorated for each day closed?


My column on Thacher’s Athletic Director Pete Fagan and his “Second Scoreboard” values brought a number of positive responses, including this from Dick Billingsley:

“I have coached high school sports for 40 some odd years and Pete’s teachings are a mirror image of what I have preached with all my student athletes. Being on the CIF-SS Executive Committee, we often discuss ‘Pursuing Victory With Honor.’ Pete has it right!!!

“High school athletics should always be an educational experience, instilling sportsmanship, integrity, confidence, and accountability in our athletes. I will nominate Pete for the CIF ‘Champion For Character Award’.”


Nobody asked me, but if quarterbacks would pump fake more often they wouldn’t get so many passes batted down by jack-in-the-box defensive linemen.


For many years, Leslie Seifert-De Los Santos has donated to my annual holiday ball drive in memory of her father, Art. This year, I didn’t hear from her – until this week.

“My older sister, Karen, died unexpectedly a few days after Thanksgiving,” Leslie emailed. “Along with her only adult child, my husband and I were with her in the hospital in Arizona for a week and it felt like Christmas took a sad back seat.”

Despite the tragedy, Leslie indeed donated three basketballs to disadvantaged kids. Her amazing kindness brings the final tally to 474 sports balls – and brings a smile of admiration to my face.


Nobody asked me, but drifting to sleep oceanside to the sound of crashing waves is surpassed in pleasantness only by the symphony of rain drumming on the roof and window panes.

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Woody Woodburn writes a weekly column for The Ventura County Star and can be contacted at WoodyWriter@gmail.com.

Wooden & Me Kickstarter Front PhotoCheck out my memoir WOODEN & ME: Life Lessons from My Two-Decade Friendship with the Legendary Coach and Humanitarian to Help “Make Each Day Your Masterpiece” and my essay collection “Strawberries in Wintertime: Essays on Life, Love, and Laughter” …

Preschool Offers Antidote To Hate

Is your Club or Group looking for an inspiring guest speaker or do you want to host a book signing? . . . Contact Woody today!

* * *

1StrawberriesCoverWooden-&-Me-cover-mock-upFor a Personalized Autographed copy of STRAWBERRIES IN WINTERTIME” or “WOODEN & ME” use the PayPal link on my home page or mail a check for $25 to:

Woody Woodburn

400 Roosevelt Court

Ventura, CA 93003

Preschool Offers Antidote To Hate

A stone’s throw, albeit by a strong arm, from my home is a preschool. Too, there is a synagogue. Both are wonderful neighbors.

Recently, and appallingly, a swastika was spray-painted on the front signboard of Ventura’s Temple Beth Torah. Children’s World Preschool shares this signboard and within its classrooms grows the antidote for such ugliness.

I know this to be true because my wise friend, Venturan award-winning author Ken McAlpine, says so. A number of years ago, Ken briefly became a “student” at Children’s World and chronicled the experience in my favorite chapter of his terrific book “Islands Apart.” Below are a few colors from the daily rainbows he saw inside the shared classroom of teachers Ronna Streeton and Odette Huber:

“One day I caught the tail end of a small uproar. Someone had pushed Alek to the ground as he was getting a drink from the water fountain. At almost the same instant two girls were in the bathroom, one urging the other to follow her lead, which she did, both of them plunking their hands in the toilet. When it rains it pours.

“So immediately La Famiglia came into the classroom to discuss things. First we lay on the rug and listened to ‘Imagine’ (‘…all the people, living life in peace…’). Then the children sat up. Mrs. Streeton sat in her chair in front of the class.

“ ‘I have some things to talk about,’ Mrs. Streeton said. ‘Remember how we said we’re all a family? Well I’m unhappy with some members of our family now. It doesn’t make me happy when members of my family are doing things that are very, very wrong.’

“Everybody waited quietly. Mrs. Streeton continued.

“ ‘You have to treat others with respect. And you have to know how to make good choices. When somebody says something to you that you know in your brain is wrong, you need to be adult and make the right choice.’

“Of course Mrs. Streeton, Mrs. Huber and I all knew that adults don’t always make the right choices, but we kept that secret. They would figure this out soon enough.”


Sometimes, of course, adults do rise tall and make the right choices as the following story from writer Cindi Leive reveals:

“When my father-in-law was 58, he volunteered with a group that assists disabled athletes. Fit but no marathoner, he agreed to run the first half of the New York City Marathon tethered to a blind runner who’d flown all the way from Thailand for the race.

“At mile 13, another volunteer would take over. Except: That other volunteer never showed, and there was my father-in-law, exhausted, with 13 painful miles he’d never trained for ahead of him.

“ ‘What did I do?’ he recalls now. ‘I kept going!’ All the way to the finish line – inspired by the even more heroic efforts of the blind man beside him.

“I think of that story often, and not just while running. With the right motivation you can almost always go farther, accomplish more, reach higher than you thought.”


The children at Children’s World Preschool, I believe, will accomplish more and reach higher than we can imagine. Ken agrees, concluding his chapter titled “The World to Come” thusly:

“If things are done right in little worlds now, maybe the bigger world will one day be a better place.”

It’s a pretty thought, especially when we have the same feelings Mrs. Streeton shared with Mr. McAlpine: “Sometimes I think the world is mostly good, and sometimes I don’t. I try to believe, but it’s hard.”

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Woody Woodburn writes a weekly column for The Ventura County Star and can be contacted at WoodyWriter@gmail.com.

Wooden & Me Kickstarter Front PhotoCheck out my memoir WOODEN & ME: Life Lessons from My Two-Decade Friendship with the Legendary Coach and Humanitarian to Help “Make Each Day Your Masterpiece” and my essay collection “Strawberries in Wintertime: Essays on Life, Love, and Laughter” …

“Second Scoreboard” Finishes First

Is your Club or Group looking for an inspiring guest speaker or do you want to host a book signing? . . . Contact Woody today!

* * *

1StrawberriesCoverWooden-&-Me-cover-mock-upFor a Personalized Autographed copy of STRAWBERRIES IN WINTERTIME” or “WOODEN & ME” use the PayPal link on my home page or mail a check for $25 to:

Woody Woodburn

400 Roosevelt Court

Ventura, CA 93003

“Second Scoreboard” Finishes First

Chuck Thomas, my former colleague and mentor, believed in taking a day off now and again and using someone else’s words to fill his column.

And so I do today, with an abridged version of a recent school assembly talk given by Thacher’s Athletic Director Pete Fagan. His wisdom on “The Second Scoreboard” echoes the teachings of another late mentor of mine, Coach John Wooden, and seems invaluable to one and all, on the court or off, as we travel through 2019.


“Hello and welcome back,” Fagan began.

“Before we left for vacation, we were entertained with a fun basketball game. Even though the boys didn’t win the game, it didn’t mean we weren’t winners that night. We were winners of the more important scoreboard – The Second Scoreboard.

“We’ve used the phase ‘The Second Scoreboard’ for many years on this campus. For the new people, this might be a new term to you. So what does it mean?

“On the surface, we kind of all know what it means – it implies that we worked hard to win, but didn’t. And regardless of the outcome of the games, we feel good about our performance. But there is more to The Second Scoreboard than just ‘trying your best.’

“The first scoreboard is what it implies: the final score of each contest, the simple outcome of either winning or losing.

“The Second Scoreboard is a different and more important measure of our success. Here’s how we win on The Second Scoreboard . . .

“Preparation. How you practice and prepare is a measure of The Second Scoreboard. Scoring points on The Second Scoreboard means intentness in your practice, giving it your all, recognizing and correcting your mistakes and listening to your teammates and coaches. There will be many people more talented than you, but there is no excuse for someone to work harder than you.

“The Second Scoreboard means you are practicing and playing with integrity. When you win, you do it with humility and when you lose, you lose with dignity. You play the game the way it is supposed to be played: with honor for yourself, your school, and your opponents. You hold fast to your principles and beliefs.

“Winning on The Second Scoreboard means you have confidence. You believe in yourself. It is the knowledge that your preparation is fully complete and that you are ready for competition. Your confidence is what happens when you’ve done the hard work that entitles you to succeed. Each time you play and face adversity, you gain strength, courage and confidence.

“The Second Scoreboard means you are resilient and determined. You bounce back and focus after failures and letdowns. You bring your best effort to the next play, practice, and contest. You are determined to do your absolute best, even on the lowest, most frustrating of days.

“The Second Scoreboard means cooperation, enthusiasm, initiative, loyalty, friendship, respect, commitment and team spirit.

“The Second Scoreboard is a measure of your character.

“And lastly, The Second Scoreboard means you are respectful. You act in a way that demonstrates appreciation of the game. You take time to appreciate your surroundings and the chance you have been given to participate. You are respectful to yourself, your teammates, coaches, opponents, officials and fans. You are a sportsman or sportswomen of the highest standard with no compromise.

Fittingly, Fagan concluded his talk by paraphrasing Wooden’s personal definition of success: “And focus with the peace of mind you will obtain through the self-satisfaction in knowing you made the best effort you are capable of.”

The Second Scoreboard is first-rate.

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Woody Woodburn writes a weekly column for The Ventura County Star and can be contacted at WoodyWriter@gmail.com.

Wooden & Me Kickstarter Front PhotoCheck out my memoir WOODEN & ME: Life Lessons from My Two-Decade Friendship with the Legendary Coach and Humanitarian to Help “Make Each Day Your Masterpiece” and my essay collection “Strawberries in Wintertime: Essays on Life, Love, and Laughter” …